All posts by Barbara Nixon

Genghis Grill: There You Go Again

[Cross-posted from]

Using the words of The Gipper, I say to Genghis Grill, “There you go again.

Image Credit: Created by Jack LeBlond (
Image Credit: Created by Jack LeBlond (

I wish I was surprised that the company still holding improper contests. But after my experiences in its “Health” Kwest, I am not surprised at all.

Here’s the latest, a photo contest on Instagram using the hashtag #GGDad. Seems innocuous enough, right?



So what’s wrong with this “most likes on this photo” contest? Let’s start with where the contest violates Instagram’s own Promotion Guidelines.

  • The official rules are nowhere to be found on Instagram (via a link) or on the Genghis Grill website.
  • The offer terms and eligibility are nowhere to be found on Instagram (via a link) or on the Genghis Grill website.
  • The promotion does not include a “complete release of Instagram by each entrant or participant.”
  • Nor does the promotion include an “acknowledgement that the promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Instagram.”

In addition, Genghis Grill (again) does not include guidelines for how contestants should disclose that their photos are hashtagged for a contest. When Cole Haan did something similar in March 2014, the FTC issued a closing letter (a type of warning) to the company.


So what am I doing, other than sharing the information via this blog post? I’ve reported the company’s contest to Instagram and to the FTC. I would have also contacted the company directly, but the last two times I did, it apparently didn’t matter.

It really isn’t that difficult for a social media manager to learn the guidelines for contests, is it?

Please, if you are holding a contest using social media, take the time to learn how to do it ethically.







(NOTE to PR Professors: Feel free to use this Instagram contest as an example in your classes.)

Six Guidelines for Running an Ethical Contest in Social Media

ACT ETHICALLYCross-posted from my blog Public Relations Matters.

As many of my readers may recall, I was a participant in a social media contest earlier this year that went horribly wrong, in oh-so-many ways. In fact, it went so poorly that the company didn’t even publicize the results of the contest in its own social media channels (though it did issue a standard news release). I found myself frustrated when my repeated attempts to provide helpful advice to the contest sponsor were dismissed. And I learned a LOT from this experience that may help your organization should you desire to plan a contest in social media.

So what I have for you here are six things I learned during that catastrophe about running an ethical contest in social media. Following these guidelines may help turning your brand ambassadors into your “assadors,” as one of my Facebook friends called them.

NOTE: I am not a lawyer, nor am I giving legal advice. I am just sharing my understanding of the guidelines.


Learn, understand and apply the disclosure guidelines that the Federal Trade Commission has published. As the FTC says, “If there’s a connection between the endorser and the marketer of the product that would affect how people evaluate the endorsement, it should be disclosed.” Put simply, if you are incentivizing people to mention your company online (by providing them with something free OR having them mention something specific to enter a contest of yours), they need to say so. And it’s up to YOU to be sure they do.

The FTC provides a handy, dandy mnemonic to help:

  • Mandate disclosure from your contestants. (See my post “In the Interest of Full Disclosure” for more on this.)
  • Make sure your own staff knows the rules, and
  • Monitor the contestants, to be sure they are following the guidelines.


Don’t ask or require participants to “stage” something as a way of endorsing your product or company. Doing so is creating false advertising.


Know and follow the terms of service for the social media platforms you are using in your contest.

Did you know . . .

  • businesses should not ask for reviews or endorsements on Yelp?
  • if you’re having participants create a video to post on YouTube, you must provide clear judging criteria, and you must not use video views or video likes to conduct the contest?
  • requiring participants to post something on their personal  timelines to enter a contest violates Facebook’s terms of service?
  • you can’t use Facebook Likes or Shares as a voting mechanism?
  • you should not ask contestants to tweet something multiple times for multiple entries, or the contestant risks being  suspended for Twitter spam?
  • and for more examples, see Social Media Promotion Law: Contests and Sweepstakes.


Follow your own contest rules and guidelines to the letter. Varying from them will cause frustration among the participants at a minimum, and a run-in with the FTC or state for more egregious errors.

  • If you are asking contestants to create a 30- to 45-second video, then award points only to those whose videos are within these parameters. No exceptions.
  • If you have in your contest rules that “no additional purchase is necessary,” do not require contestants to purchase specific items for photos they must post.
  • If you provide a calendar of social media posts that your participants must publish on specific days, use that calendar; do not make last-minute changes. (In the contest I participated in, this happened more than once. One of the days, the participants were supposed to create a specific video to post on YouTube. Videos take time to shoot and edit. The day the assignment was due, the contest manager changed the assignment to something totally different . . . and never had the video used at all as an entry. This caused much frustration among the participants, as you might imagine.)


Provide objective criteria for judging entries, especially when the entries will be judged by a panel chosen by your organization. Having your panel vote for which entry they “like best” doesn’t cut it.

As a professor, I tend to use rubrics to grade assignments. (A rubric states what the criteria are and how many points can be earned by fulfilling the requirements.) A rubric would be helpful for participants in contests, as well.


Be available to answer questions from your contestants. Have one place the contestants can come to for official answers from your organization. Ideally, this would be a place on your own platform, rather than an informal Facebook group, for example.

Availability is especially important if you are running a lengthy, multi-part contest. Establish and maintain an expected turn-around time for answers. For example, if someone submits a question, respond within 24 hours.

Remember, in the absence of official communication, the contestants are left to speculate about the answers to their questions.


That said, what other recommendations do you have for making sure your organization’s social media contest is run in an ethical (and legal!) manner?



An Open Letter to the Genghis Grill “Health” Kwest 2014 Winner

Dearest Genghis Grill “Health” Kwest 2014 Winner,

As much as you may wish to think so, this blog is NOT all about you. In fact, as far as I am concerned, it’s not about you as a person at all.

What it is about is this: a contest that was mismanaged in many, many ways. The ways are detailed in other posts here at this blog. With clearer rules, and rules that were actually enforced, this blog would not exist at all.

But it does.

And those of us who followed both the letter and the spirit of the rules will continue to discuss ideas here for how to make things better for other contestants and contest managers.

So, I will not go to your primary blog, Blake’s Blog on the Texas Magic Zone, and try to spam it or create fake user names to add inflammatory comments. There’s no need for that.


Extreme and Unhealthy Measures in #HealthKwest 2014

Image Credit: "not telling" by jhayne
Image Credit: “not telling” by jhayne

by a 2014 Health Kwest Participant [Name Redacted]

The Health Kwest administrator told the Facebook group, early on in the contest that she had hoped nobody was losing weight in an unhealthy way.  Then Genghis Grill corporate awards the grand prize to a person who they know was losing weight in a very unhealthy way, as they were provided screen shots of the Khantestant’s blog pages and board statements.

There seems to be a huge separation of ideals between corporate and the actual Health Kwest administrator who apparently was kept in the dark until the final reveal.  It’s like a teacher saying she hopes nobody cheats then the school officials awarding credits to a known cheater.

To go a step further, one could name the school “Integrity University” to parallel the implied focus of the school’s ideals.  There is nothing “healthy” about the Health Kwest when all previous Health Kwest winners have historically been people willing to go to extreme and unhealthy measures to win.

On another note, the rules clearly stated that each Khantestant must eat a bowl every day at Genghis Grill, yet many people (mentioned in Facebook group) that they had gotten their bowl to go on one or more occasions.  The winner himself even admitted to rarely eating more than half of his bowl and never finishing it.

blake half a bowl

That’s snacking at Genghis, not eating.

How can a $10k contest allow such inconsistency?  Well the inconsistency is built into the contest itself by awarding the Genghis Grill location with a prize for having the Health Kwest winner come from their store.  So there is a built in incentive for each store to do whatever is necessary to help their Khantestant win.  Depending on the ethics and morals of each manager, some will hold their Khantestants to the standard, while others will allow less than half-eaten bowls and starvation tactics to win.

So, for Genghis Grill to award the grand prize of $10k to a person who publicly spoke ill-will against the other Khantestants, admitted to extreme unhealthy methods to drop his weight, and then even attempted to dispose of any evidence of foul play by deleting his board (unsuccessfully as many Khantestants had already taken screen shots) was a slap in every Khantestant’s face who lived up to the “Health” in Health Kwest to lose their weight.

blake crush dreamsIt’s almost sad for Genghis Grill as their winner even admitted to NOT wanting to endorse their product and did it ONLY for the $10k.

blake I just want the check

It’s almost like Genghis Grill sold their soul for the opportunity to say, “Winner lost 76 pounds in 60 days by eating at Genghis every day!”

Really?  Genghis Grill, Healthy, and sportsmanship had NOTHING to do with his weight loss.  Health Kwest needs to be renamed to anything without the word “Health” in it.

blake not super healthy

Lastly, Health Kwest journey is redundant.   Kwest=Journey, so happy Health Journey Journey!

NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: A contestant in the 2014 #HealthKwest asked me to post this anonymously on his behalf.

Health Kwest: A Major, Inexcusable Embarrassment for Genghis Grill

by Pearson Hurst

Ok, so Health Kwest is over. I didn’t win, and I’m kind of glad now that I know the lengths the winner went to. More on that in a bit. Pearson Hurst   When I first heard about Health Kwest, I thought it was a fantastic idea, and just the kind of motivation I needed to lose some weight and get back to a healthier lifestyle. As a child, teenager and into my 20s, I had been thin, fit and active, but as the realities of adulthood, a career and parenthood became the focus of my life, fitness, activity and a slim figure slowly slipped away, and I wanted them back!

While I was indeed successful at losing a fair bit of weight, becoming more active, and eating a much healthier diet, Health Kwest wasn’t what I expected. Before the contest even officially started, I should have seen what was coming. There were problems from the very beginning. Admittedly small ones, but they were just a sign of things to come. After being selected as a contestant, I received an email from Jackie Heath, Genghis Grill’s Social Media/PR Marketing Manager welcoming me to the contest, and including several sets of instructions. As this was an official communication for Genghis Grill, I was somewhat surprised to see that many of the included attachments were riddled with misspellings, poor grammar and punctuation, including officially welcoming us to the 3rd annual Health Kwest, when in fact this was the 4th annual Health Kwest.

Silly mistakes, certainly, but it was enough to make me wonder how the next 60 days would go.

Genghis Grill partnered with a company called EMSI to handle weigh-ins at the beginning, middle and end of the contest. We were told that EMSI had branches in all the cities that had contestants. I showed up at my local branch to weigh in at the beginning of the contest, and was informed that the local branch only does drug screening, and that the closest location that could weigh me was in Virginia Beach, over 2 hours away. Evidently I wasn’t the only one with this issue, and we were told that if there was no EMSI location within 60 miles of us, we could just use a local clinic for weigh ins. To my mind, this presents several issues. First, I have never been to a clinic or “Doc in a Box” type facility that doesn’t charge for services. Second, this arrangement vastly increases the ease of which a contestant could alter the results of the weigh in, since it was up to the individual contestants to fax the forms in to Genghis Grill and the EMSI main office. I am lucky enough to work at a job with healthcare facilities right here on the premises, so I didn’t have to pony up a co-pay to be weighed in, but it would have been EXCEEDINGLY easy for me to falsify the forms I faxed to Genghis Grill and EMSI.

Amongst the instructions we received from Jackie, was a note about a welcome package we would be receiving. It noted that due to human error, there may be things missing from our package. Again, a small annoyance, but a sign that things weren’t entirely squared away on the part of Genghis Grill, especially since there was no list of what was to be included. How are we supposed to let them know if something is missing if we don’t know what’s supposed to be in there? I still have no idea if I got what I was supposed to.

One thing that WAS in my package was my Health Kwest card. This is what I was supposed to use every day at Genghis Grill to get my free meal. Imagine my embarrassment when, on my first official trip, my card would not work! Fortunately, the folks at my local restaurant were kind enough to comp my meal and email Genghis Grill corporate on my behalf, so I would get credit for my meal. A bit later that day, I found out that I was not the only one. Evidently Genghis Grill had neglected to actually credit our cards with our free meals. A rather embarrassing issue to have on day one!

As many of you are probably aware, Health Kwest has two basic components. The first is weight loss, with points being given to contestants based on the percentage of their body weight lost. The second half is comprised of a variety of Social Media tasks. We were to complete one task a day, based on a calendar provided to us by Genghis Grill.

Successfully completing the task earned us varying amounts of points. The rules regarding the Social Media tasks given to us were clear. They state, in part “You must complete the task with 100% effort. If you do not complete the task with all requirements, no points will be given.” Seems pretty clear, however Genghis Grill opted not to follow their own rules, on multiple occasions. The most glaring example of this occurred during the first BIG task we had to complete. A task which was the first of three tasks that could potentially earn contestants a “mini-prize” worth approximately $500-$600. The task required us to shoot a video of us doing own own “Genghis Grill Dance, in front of your location. Get your family, friends and staff involved and upload your video to YouTube.” There were a wide variety of really creative videos submitted, many of which clearly showed time and effort had been spent on them, and that included all of the requested elements. Evidently, all of that work was unnecessary, as at least one contestant submitted a 6-second video of them wagging their finger at the camera out in front of their store. This submission, and as far as I can tell, ALL of the submissions received full credit for completing the task.

Genghis Grill went out of their way to come up with very specific tasks for us to complete, and then ignored their own criteria in giving credit for these tasks.

While we are talking about the tasks eligible for “mini-prizes,” most of us found it very disappointing and frustrating that there seemed to be no rhyme or reason when it came to deciding on who actually won them. There was no judging criteria given for deciding the winner of the first task. The second task was also a video, and this time there was an allusion to the number of views being a factor as well as a subjective judging by Genghis Grill. In a clear lack of understanding Social Media, and Facebook in particular, the last task eligible for a “mini-prize” was a Facebook post, and the winner would be decided based on the number of “shares” a post got. On Facebook, you can share your own posts until your heart is content, and each one counts. It would have been possible for someone with enough time to sit there and share their own post over and over again, racking up thousands of shares. This was clearly not well thought out, and should NEVER have been used as the criteria for deciding the winner of anything, much less t task worth hundreds of dollars.

The Social Media tasks we were required to perform were, in fact, the source of many issues, in fact. At the beginning of the contest, we were provided a calendar of tasks to complete, so we could plan ahead, as several of them required quite a bit of work and advanced planning. On more than one occasion, these tasks were arbitrarily changed. One task in particular, another video that required a significant input of time and effort was canceled the day it was due and replaced with a different task, resulting in wasted time and energy on the part of the contestants.

The Social Media tasks we had to complete, involved a lot of posting to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and other platforms. Typically these tasks required us to speak highly of Genghis Grill or one of their offerings. We were never asked to include verbiage that clarified we were being compensated for these posts, which is unethical, and in the case of several of these sites (Yelp, in particular), are contrary to the Terms Of Service everyone must agree to in order to create an account.

In addition to these issues with our required Social Media activities, there were several tasks that required contestants to spend money at Genghis Grill, even though ‘No purchase is necessary” to win. In particular, I was, at one time or another required to purchase a glass of wine, a glass of tea, a bottle of Vitamin Water, three “skinny drinks”, and entry fees to a 5k race. I estimate that I spent approximately $100 over the course of the 60-day contest to meet their requirements. This issue was brought up to Genghis Grill who suggested we “stage” these pictures at the restaurants if we didn’t want to spend money on their products. We weren’t informed that this was a possibility until the very last task that required a purchase.

Communications from Jackie and Genghis Grill were, at times, unprofessional, and many times instructions, updates and clarifications were only posted to a Facebook group that had less than half of the participants included in it. So far, these issues have ranged from minor, nit picking by me to moderate annoyances during the contest.

Now it’s time to tackle what, to me, are major, major issues that MUST be addressed by Genghis Grill should they continue to sponsor this event.

First, there were major errors in the reporting of results after both the mid-point weigh in and the final weigh in. Multiple contestants had to request their information be reviewed and adjusted. Edits to the leader board continued for days after the mid-point weigh in, and continued for nearly a WEEK after the final weigh in, even after they had officially announced the winners of the contest. As you can imagine, this certainly raises some doubts about the accuracy of points and weights tabulated for everyone, for the duration of the contest. In fact, Genghis Grill sent an email to all of the contestants announcing the winner and second place prize winner, and then contacted their announced second place winner to tell her she had, in fact, won nothing at all. There was no correction email, and, as far as I know, as of now, there has been no updated announcement regarding who won the 2nd place prize. This is the 4th year Genghis Grill has run this contest. You would certainly think they had long since worked out such major, contest disrupting issues, but evidently not, since the exact same problems were evident after the first and second weigh-ins.

This should be a MAJOR, INEXCUSABLE embarrassment for Genghis Grill and those responsible for running this contest.

Finally, what I find to be the most disturbing, appalling part of this whole affair. The person they announced as the winner of the contest lost over 25% of his body weight (some 76+ pounds) in 60 days. At first blush, this is an astounding accomplishment, until you understand how it was achieved. The winner readily admits to taking stimulants (at one point overdosing), diuretics, intentionally dehydrating and starving himself, discarding much of his Genghis Grill food and taking other extremely risky, unhealthy steps in order to win. Not only that, but he openly admitted to wanting nothing to do with Genghis Grill, and only wanting their prize money. Not exactly someone I would want representing MY company. While the winners actions were certainly risky and unhealthy, the truly appalling part of all of this is, none of it was against the rules. In fact, there Are no rules regarding the weight loss portion of the contest. None. At all. You want to take tons of stimulants? Go ahead! Want liposuction? Want a Lap band? Want to have a leg amputated? Knock yourself out! Want to starve and dehydrate yourself to the point of organ damage or hospitalization? Go to it, as long as those weigh loss numbers look good in the PR and advertising materials after the contest!

The truth of the matter is, Genghis Grill doesn’t give one tiny bit about the people participating in their contest. Over the last 4 years, the winner of the contest has gotten more and more extreme in their methods and weight loss numbers. These concerns have been brought to Genghis Grill every year after the contest is over, yet they completely refuse to take even the most basic steps to address these concerns.

They could do so many simple things, such as cap the percentage of weight lost they will count in the contest. Include other health factors in deciding the winner, such as BMI, blood pressure, blood sugar levels, resting heart rate recovery time or any number of other markers of improved health. Even something as simple as having even the most basic medical supervision during the contest (at the very least, we should have been required to get a physical prior to starting the contest).

They are completely refusing to take the health and well-being of their contestants into account, despite the fact that this contest is billed as a “Health” Kwest.

The last gripe I have with Genghis and their contest, is the fact that now that it’s over, and the PR machine has started cranking up, they are plastering the winner and his results all over the place. They have issued press releases, flooded social media, etc, but not once have they mentioned that the winners results are not typical (and were, in fact negligently dangerous), which is in clear and direct violation of FTC rules on endorsements and testimonials.

Whew! That ended up being a LOT longer than I thought it would be. With all of that being said, I want to be clear that, for the most part, I enjoyed Health Kwest. I have already returned to Genghis Grill to eat since the contest has been over, and in fact brought my local store’s staff and management a big old batch of homemade cookies. My staff and managers were nothing but friendly, supportive and helpful during Health Kwest, and I anticipate continuing to patronize their store.

NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: Pearson asked me to publish this post on his behalf.

Frankly, I’m Embarrassed

Image Credit: "Embarrassed" from MeInLilaPark
Image Credit: “Embarrassed” from MeInLilaPark

It takes a LOT to embarrass me, but the Genghis Grill Health Kwest has done it to me (and countless others).

Merriam-Webster defines embarrass as follows: “to make (someone) feel confused and foolish in front of other people; to make (a person…) look foolish in public.”

As I mentioned in a previous post, I thought this contest would be a fun way to lose weight and make my social media skills shine. Instead, I feel foolish for ever having participated in it in the first place. It’s amazing what people will put up with (or do) when  the possibility of winning $10,000 is dangled in front of them.

Here’s what I’m embarrassed about.

I am embarrassed to be associated with an organization that rewards people who use diuretics, stimulants and dehydration to lose ~80 pounds (25% of his body weight) in 60 days, all while calling the contest a HEALTH Kwest. This year’s winner admitted doing so in his own blog posts, many of which have been deleted. When I shared screen captures of his admissions, those running the contest chose to do nothing about it. (Oh, and last year’s winner wrote about eating 300-800 calories a day during the contest to lose weight.)

I am embarrassed that I asked anyone to help me via YouTube views and Facebook likes and shares to spread news of this contest.

I am embarrassed that I asked students at several universities to help me write headlines in “Upworthy style” to entice people to watch my video I made for Genghis Grill.

I am embarrassed that I had forgotten one of the more important rules about sharing sponsored content in social media by disclosing that I was being compensated by Genghis Grill. I corrected this mid-course, but still, I should have known better.

I am embarrassed that I allowed myself to #ShillfortheGrill (as one of my fellow contestants called it) for the mere price of a bowl of food a day. Had I spent a similar amount of time writing creative content for a client, odds are good I would have been compensated much more than a few dollars a day.

I am embarrassed that I did not withdraw myself from the contest earlier. Once I was told by those running the contest that everything we were being asked to do was perfectly ethical and didn’t break any rules, terms of service or FTC guidelines, I should have stepped out then as I knew this wasn’t the case. Somehow, I kept thinking that things would get better and those running the contest would take my advice to make needed changes. It never happened.

I am sorry.

News Release: Genghis Grill Crowns 2014 “Health” Kwest Winner

The news release below is reblogged from PR Newswire.

But first, my commentary.

This year’s winner lost about 80 pounds in two months. Amazing, right? But how healthy is it to lose that much weight that quickly, especially when he coupled that with diuretics, stimulants and dehydration? (All this information was posted on his own blog.) I am concerned that a business would promote a contest such as this . . . especially when it frames the contest as a HEALTH “kwest.”

Additionally, Genghis Grill sent an email to the contestants letting them know who the first and second prize winners were (winning $10,000 and $1,500, respectively), but then later told the second place “winner,” there was an error and that she would not be winning a prize afterall. Can you imagine how disappointing this was for her? She’d been atop the leaderboard from the midpoint of the contest to the day before the ending, to learn that she’d not win anything.

NOTE: I had been a participant in the contest for about 45 of the 60 days. I removed myself from the contest because I was concerned with the ethics of the way the contest was run even previous to the announcement of the winner. You can see details of my concerns at — and other participants will soon be adding stories of their experiences at this same site.)

What are your thoughts? We’d love your comments.

Genghis Grill Crowns 2014 Health Kwest Winner (via PR Newswire)

Texas man loses 76 lbs. in 60 days by eating daily at popular stir-fry concept Download image Genghis Grill has more than 100 locations nationwide (PRNewsFoto/Genghis Grill) DALLAS, April 22, 2014 /PRNewswire/ — It pays to lose weight, especially

for one hard-working fan of Genghis Grill.

Photo –

Photo –

Blake Miller of Denton, Texas, was just awarded the $10,000 grand prize in the 4th annual Genghis Grill Health Kwest after losing 76 pounds (more than 25 percent of his body weight) in 60 days!

The nationwide contest launched in February with 105 “khantestants” accepting the challenge to achieve a healthier lifestyle by eating a free Genghis Grill bowl for 60 consecutive days. The eatery also provided nutritional and exercise tips while ESQ Diagnostics tracked weight loss. Additionally, each competitor shared their healthy journey with social media posts, YouTube videos and a Facebook group to help each other throughout the contest.

“While the money is great, it’s really more about the physical transformation,” said Health Kwest winner Blake Miller. “I now have more energy to get more things done each day, which is like the gift of time.  I imagine I’ve added a few years onto my life by subtracting a few pounds, too.  And with a two-year-old and another little one on the way, I can’t imagine that this could have come at a better time.”

Miller was able to stay focused on his weight loss journey by choosing new combinations for his bowl daily, so he never felt deprived or got bored.  However, he notes in his “Why I Love Genghis Grill” blog post that his favorite ingredient is Fiesta Lime Chicken.  Miller also says he’s learned a lot about food and nutrition through the contest. “The human body is an amazing machine that can be truly pushed when your mind is in the right place.”

Health Kwest was designed to reinforce all the healthy and delicious meal options available at Genghis Grill.  After helping more than 100 khantestants lose a collective 1,900 pounds over 60 days, it’s safe to say the point has been made. The campaign also generated 1,233 Facebook posts, 724 Tweets, 796 Instagram photos, 1,057 blog posts and more than 600 YouTube videos.

“Genghis Grill subscribes to the belief that variety is the spice of life, so we give our fans the opportunity to choose exactly what they eat and how they eat it,” said Ron Parikh, Chief Marketing Officer for Genghis Grill.  “Health Kwest is a phenomenal program that allows us to not only change the lives of our khantestants, but to share our mission of fresh, hot and healthy eating for everyone.”

For more information and to find a Genghis Grill near you, visit

Media Contact:

Read more news from Genghis Grill.

SOURCE Genghis Grill

In the Interest of Full Disclosure


Adapted from my post at Public Relations Matters from March 8,  2014.

UPDATE 3-31-2014: I have withdrawn from the Genghis Grill’s 2014 Health Kwest, and I have made all posts about that contest private on my blog for the time being.

As someone who had taught public relations for more than two decades, I should have known better. But I got caught up in the excitement of being part of a contest, and I have neglected to provide full disclosure with every post/photo/video I have I uploaded as a constant in Genghis Grill’s 2014 Health Kwest that the restaurant chain is providing me one free meal a day. And not making this disclosure goes against recent FTC guidelines. (There is wording about this in FanCorps, where we accept our daily “orders,” but like many, I just clicked right past it without reading carefully.)

NOTE: I am not a lawyer, nor am I giving legal advice. I am just sharing my understanding of the guidelines.

So I am making that right now. I will go back and edit as much as I can to include a disclosure I created at the website.

Here’s how to create a disclosure of your own:

  1. Go to and sign up for an account as an Individual Advocate.
  2. Choose which type of compliance you need. For my participation in this contest, it’s #3.
  3. Add specific language for your circumstances. For me, I added “The author of the message that directed you to this page has the following material connection: the author was compensated (via a giftcard worth one meal a day) to promote Genghis Grill as part of its Health Kwest 2014 contest.”
  4. Then use the unique URL that provides in everything you post that is based on being compensated. Mine is .

Useful Resources



It Will Be Fun, They Said. They Were Wrong.

Photo Credit: "Sad Clown" by Shawn Campbell
Photo Credit: “Sad Clown” by Shawn Campbell

Adapted from my post at Public Relations Matters from March 31, 2014.

Early in 2014, I thought it would be a lot of fun to participate in the Genghis Grill Health Kwest. I had the chance to win $10,000, and I got a gift card worth one free stir-fry bowl a day from the restaurant. It seemed like it would be a fun way to lose some weight and use my social media skills.


By the end of March, I chose to withdraw myself from the 2014 Health Kwest due to concerns I have with Genghis Grill’s ethics in the management of the contest. Some concerns I have are as follows:

  • not informing contestants about our (and their) obligation to disclose that GG provided free meals for us in exchange for our posts in social media
  • going against terms of service for multiple social media platforms (such as requiring us to post something on our personal Facebook profiles)
  • not providing objective criteria for judging the mini-contests (worth $300-$500) ahead of time
  • changing some of the orders/challenges the day that they are due (such as Sunday’s order that had been to record a video in a grocery store, and was changed on Sunday to something different)
  • recommending that we could “stage” photos of ourselves “enjoying” a specific beverage to post in social media
  • requiring a Yelp review (again, with no disclosure that we received free food)
And here are a few additional concerns with the contest rules.
  • The contest rules state that no additional purchase is needed to enter or win. However, several of the challenges/orders required contestants to purchase something from Genghis Grill or elsewhere (including Skinny Drinks, Red Diamond iced tea and Vitamin Water).
  • The contest rules state that 1,000 points are possible for weight loss, and 1,000 points are possible for social media. However, the top 30 contestants as of April 1 all have more than 2,000 points earned, and the contest isn’t over yet. How were these extra points earned? There has been no explanation.
  • The contest rules state that “each Genghis Grill bowl has an Approximate Retail Value of $599.” If this is the case, then the Health Kwest gift cards given to the contestants should be worth $599 x 61 (days) or $36,539.

I have addressed these concerns with Genghis Grill’s social media manager, the Senior Marketing Director, the Chief Marketing Officer and the CEO, to no avail.

NOTE: I have NO concerns about my local Genghis Grill restaurant in Rogers, AR. They’ve been wonderful to me both before and throughout this contest.
UPDATE 4-24-2014: Oh, just wait until you read the latest about this contest.